United States Kido Federation Members and Affiliate organizations may request to have their seminars or events posted on this page. Items posted by month from January-December. Due to the COVID-19 National Health Directives a number of events dates were changed. Please confirm — New Dates before traveling. Please write: info@uskido.org with details.
Saturday, February 6, 2021
USKF/OBW Headquarters – Omaha, NE
Senior Black Belt Examination (5th Dan and Above)
Paperwork and payment must be in and pre-approved no later than December 20, 2020.
Write: info@uskido.orgfor more information. On-line applications on www.uskido.org

February 20, 2021 – EXTERNAL POST (ITF-HQ Affiliate)

Saturday, March 6, 2021
USKF/OBW Headquarters – Omaha, NE
Black Belt and Advanced Rank Test (3rd Cup to 3rd Dan)
Paperwork and payment must be in and pre-approved no later than January 20, 2021.
Write: info@uskido.orgfor more information. On-line applications on www.uskido.org

March 18-19, 2021 – EXTERNAL POST (from NON-USKF Organization)

April 23-25, 2021 – EXTERNAL POST (from ITF-HQ Affiliate)

Saturday, November 20, 2021
USKF/OBW Headquarters – Omaha, NE
Black Belt and Advanced Rank Test (3rd Cup to 3rd Dan)
Paperwork and payment must be in and pre-approved no later than January 20, 2021.
Write: info@uskido.orgfor more information. On-line applications on www.uskido.org