Ideas on Developing a Successful Martial Arts School!

Successfully advertising a martial arts school requires a comprehensive and strategic approach. Here are some effective ways to advertise and promote a martial arts school: Remember, effective advertising requires consistency, ongoing efforts, and understanding the unique needs and preferences of your target audience. If you need more help contact us at

A Brief Discussion of Growth in the Martial Arts

There is a lot of discussion, and debate on the subject of growth. This is especially true when we turn our gaze to martial arts. The definition of what constitute growth and rank progression varies significantly between organizations. There is, however; a commonality of thought that seems to permeate this issue revolving around definable progress. Unfortunately, there is no bench mark standard between styles or organizations that lends to an apples to apples comparison between Read more…

TaeKwon-Do Technique Efficacy and Kinetic Linking

The most discussed, debated, and divisive issue among Ch’ang Hon TaeKwon-Do practitioners is the concept of sine wave. Those of us old enough to remember the earliest incarnations of the patterns were taught “hip rotation” as the primary methodology of generating power during technique application. This transplanted concept originated in the Japanese styles early progenitors studied prior to the formal creation of TaeKwon-Do.  In this model, power generation is found within the core and balance points Read more…

The Contractual Conundrum: Student Contracts (Part 1)

I regularly get calls from martial arts school owners asking for advice on how to handle various problems. They range from contract negotiations with landlords to the best way to deal with parents. While each situation is different and certainly there is no one right answer… my advice always begins with “Do the right thing for the right reason.” Generally, this is met with dead silence on the other side of the phone. After a Read more…

Martial Arts Musings: 5 Easy Tips for Finding A Great Martial Arts School

by Jeff Helaney, IX Dan President United States Kido Federation You have started looking for a new martial arts school. Unless you have some previous experience this can be a daunting journey. The Internet is full of schools and each one has a list of reasons posted on why you should select them. Before too long you feel like your head is going to explode and you wonder why you started looking. Relax, this a Read more…

It Must Be Something Else

By GM Jeff Helaney President United States Kido Federation I read a post not too long ago from a Facebook acquaintance who listed a number of reasons why if your uniforms didn’t look the same, your bows weren’t done the same way, or if you called your patterns something else (.. ad infinitum) you weren’t doing Taekwon-Do … you are doing something else. I generally try to be politically correct and don’t enter debates, but Read more…

The Entitlement Mentality: You Aren’t Seriously Talking to ME!

by GM Jeff Helaney, 9th Dan There is truth to the assertion that our society has changed significantly in the last 25 years. Some attribute these changes to radical improvements in technology while others take the stance that our societal moral compass ceased to point north. Both statements take an extreme stance and paint with a large brush stroke yet neither provides any definitive proof of symptom or illness. I am not tackling the big Read more…

Instructors and Promotions

Jeff Helaney 9th DanPresident – United States Kido Federation Is rank really that important? Is one black belt rank more valid than another? Are standards fixed or mutable? I tend to write a lot about this topic because it is plays a significant role how we understand our arts and helps shape our journey paradigm through our specific art. The answers to each one of these questions will vary by the person answering it. I Read more…

Martial Arts Musings – Integrity

Integrity is a quality that is often espoused but is as rare in the modern world as it was when Diogenes searched ancient Greece for honest man. Ambition, greed, and self-absorption have always lessened a light that was meant to a beacon of the human spirit. Perhaps it is the rarity of this virtue that makes it so special and powerful. “A man imbued with the qualities of courage, integrity, and hope can change the world.” Read more…

Martial Arts Musings – The Art of Perseverance

When we first start a martial arts class we are filled with unrealistic expectations. We believe that we will pick up physical skills faster than is humanly possible and many of us compare our progress with images we have seen in the mass media.  The fact of the matter is we are all human. Each of us has a unique set of attributes that makes us who we are. Some of us are naturally athletic Read more…

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