
2018 USKF Black Belt Hall of Fame

Pioneers and Legends
GM Scott McNeely

Lifetime Achievement
Jason Frymire

Outstanding Contributions to the Martial Arts
Robert Botsford
Elizabeth Rossiaky
Charles Lovelace
Wayne Burley

Grandmasters of the Year
GM Troy Trudeau
GM Russell Northrup

Masters of the Year
SM Andre’Stewart
Dr. Nicholas Gerassimakis

Outstanding Instructors of the Year
Ben Thompson
Matt Majesky

Outstanding Assistant Instructors of the Year
Amanda Norman
Jacob Price
Tami Hazen
Bradley Kimmey
Alissa Kuehn

Excellence Awards
Silver Lining TaeKwon-Do

United States Kido Federation Black Belt Hall of Fame

The United States Kido Federation’s Black Belt Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding black belts for their spirit, their dedication, and their accomplishments. Inductees are martial artists whose contributions span stylistic divides and are representative of this organizations ideals regardless of affiliation or association.

United States Kido Federation Excellence Awards

The United States Kido Federation Excellence Awards are presented to individuals and organizations to recognize their personal dedication or contributions to martial arts. Excellence Award winners will include but are not limited to honoring outstanding competitors, promoters, schools, and martial arts organizations.

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